TooManyItems v.2015 [1.8]

TooManyItems - Mods

Create and configure blocks, including those that are not in the inventory in creative mode. Save and load the inventory. Switch game modes, change the time and weather in one click and much more using fashion Temanites

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.8  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 17)

Lucky Block Race [1.8]

Lucky Block Race - Maps

This map is for 1-6 players from the author under the name EMB_Crafty. Gather your friends and get ready for a bright, crazy, fun race on a colorful map, where you race against each other, breaking Lucky blocks (100 pieces!) and problems encountered along the way! After you read the instructions set spawn, select the bar by clicking on the button…

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.8  
0 Rating: 4,4/5 (votes: 375)
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