Elemental Creepers Redux v.2.0.7 [1.12.2]

Elemental Creepers Redux - Mods

Mod Elemental Creepers Redux adds several varieties of creeper into the game, each with "explosive" abilities. Here are some of them: Fire Creeper fire creeper explodes and sets fire to everything around, loves to swim in the lava. Water Creeper - water creeper, leaves water behind. Earth Creeper earth creeper after the explosion fills your…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.12.2  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 55)

Hardcore ORE v.0.1.7 [1.12.2]

Hardcore ORE - Mods

Hardcore adds ORE dust, ingots, rods, nuggets, gears and blocks for 16 different types of ores. This mod does not create any extra weapons, tools or armor, and all items and blocks can be disabled in configurations. You will need an additional mod for processing these ores. At the moment, Hardcore ORE is compatible with the mod Tinkers Construct…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.12.2  
0 Rating: 3,6/5 (votes: 63)

Mapmaker’s Gadgets v.1.2 [1.12.2]

Mapmaker’s Gadgets - Mods

Mapmaker's Gadgets is a useful gadgets for developers of maps and mods. This mod is the editor of the village traders, the editor of spawners, potions, ENCANTO and other attributes. The mod includes the item Editor, Editor, entity Editor, potions, NBT Checker and much more

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.12.2  
0 Rating: 3,5/5 (votes: 44)

Ferdinand's Flowers v.1.10.0 [1.12.2]

Ferdinand's Flowers - Mods

This mod adds new flowers 108, 32 dye, brick blocks and plates. Each biome has its own unique generation of flowers. Most plants will be generated in more than one biome. Why the mod is called Flowers of Ferdinand? "The story of Ferdinand" is a children's book, which the author loved to read in childhood. The main character is a bull named…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.12.2  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 31)

Sky Resources 2 v.2.2.1 [1.12.2]

Sky Resources 2 - Mods

Sky Resources 2 allows to produce materials through alchemy or different technologies. This mod is perfect for SkyBlock builds, where you initially have limited resources. There are several devices and devices (condenser, refrigerator, kristallizator, etc.) that will help to craft a particular block. You will be able to extract water from trees…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.12.2  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 97)
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