Industrial Foregoing v. [1.16.5]

Industrial Foregoing - Mods

Industrial Foregoing adds more than 50 different machines and mechanisms to the game. You will be able to automate processes such as: obtaining energy, sorting enchanted items, killing mobs, creating potions, feeding and breeding animals, fertilizing plants and harvesting, automatic drilling and much more. To start using Industrial Foregoing, you…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.16.5  
0 Rating: 3,1/5 (votes: 27)

FastWorkbench v.6.0.1 [1.18.1]

FastWorkbench - Mods

This mod optimizes crafting related features. It fixes a bug introduced in Minecraft 1.12 where shift-clicking while creating a stack of items could cause instant freezes. However, it does little more than fix this issue. FastWorkbench allows you to cache the last used recipe. On top of that, it reduces the number of hits to that cached recipe by…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.18.1  
0 Rating: 3,5/5 (votes: 11)

Occultism v.1.26.8 [1.18.1]

Occultism - Mods

A system of ritual magic based on summoned spirits allows you to automate various tasks, store a huge number of items, allows demons to extract resources in the void, create powerful enchanted tools and jewelry, receive support from familiars and much more. Start your journey by creating a Dictionary of Spirits and, following this in-game guide,…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.18.1  
0 Rating: 3,1/5 (votes: 18)
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