Textures with resolution 64x64

Fresh Animations v.1.5 [64x64] [1.18.1]

Fresh Animations - Resource Packs

Fresh Animations is a resource pack that reworks the standard Minecraft animations. The goal is to make mobs more dynamic and believable. The resource pack is still under development and therefore animations are not available for all mobs. After installing the mod, you will need to change the graphics settings in the game

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.18.1   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,5/5 (votes: 52)

Glimmar's Steampunk v.20.2 [64x64] [1.13.1]

Glimmar's Steampunk - Resource Packs

1.5 years has passed since the last update and now finally released the 20 version of the popular and almost the only resurspaka on the steampunk theme. Textures are in the WIP stage and the author has yet to be done to complete the whole thing. Who are not yet aware of "Steampunk" is a separate direction of science fiction in which civilization,…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.13.1   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,5/5 (votes: 330)

Enhanced Photo Realism: Christmas Edition [64x64] [1.12.2]

Enhanced Photo Realism: Christmas Edition - Resource Packs

Enhanced Photo Realism: Christmas Edition is a festive resource pack that contains high quality and highly detailed textures. This unfortunately is the reincarnation of all the famous LB Photo Realism. The author spent over 1,000 hours in processing all the textures to the new Minecraft version 1.12. At the moment, all available in three…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.12.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 45)

Never Cleaner v.1.4 [64x64] [1.11.2]

Never Cleaner - Resource Packs

Never Cleaner is a new all Minecraft has a minimalistic design and bright colors. There are many similar packages of textures, but most of them are deprived of a particular style. Installing Never Cleaner, you will notice a big difference compared to other similar resourcepackage with a resolution of 64x. In other words, Never Cleaner - it's sort…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,6/5 (votes: 34)

3D CS:GO Animated PvP [64x64] [1.11]

3D CS:GO Animated PvP - Resource Packs

If you like to play CS:GO, then you will appreciate this unfortunately. Swords in the game is replaced by all known models of knives from the first versions of CS:GO. And instead of the bow you have now is a real sniper rifle AWP Hyper Beast. These textures have a resolution of 64x, so you will need Optifine HD

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 347)

Velvet Dreams v.1.0.4 [64x64] [1.10]

Velvet Dreams - Resource Packs

Velvet Dreams is a bright and minimalistic resurspak made in the resolution of 64x64 from the author under the name CowedOffACliff. Unfortunately still under development, but much has already been implemented with the exception of some mob textures

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.10   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 18)

Glimmar's Steampunk v.18 [64x64] [1.11.2]

Glimmar's Steampunk - Resource Packs

Exactly 2 years later, light still released an update of the popular resurspaka on steampunk Glimmars Steampunk theme. Very atmospheric resurspak, which is suitable for various industrial Assembly and will go perfectly with the hi-end topics. Who does not know the "Steampunk" is a separate direction of science fiction in which civilization,…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 21)

CS:GO Realistic Texture Pack [64x64] [1.11]

CS:GO Realistic Texture Pack - Resource Packs

Like to play CS:GO but Minecraft do you like more? Then we present you all that you will get a pretty good mix of these two games. First and foremost, changes have been weapons in the inventory, the bow is like a rifle, and the texture of the swords replaced with knives. All other textures were as close as possible in color to CS:GO

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 450)

BitBetter v.3.9.8 [64x64] [1.12]

BitBetter - Resource Packs

BitBetter - all with a resolution of 64x64 textures for the latest versions of Minecraft, which is literally translated as "a little better". But actually the textures look not a little, but much better than default. With higher resolution mobs began to look more realistic, and with the shaders, the world will sparkle with new colors

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.12   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 16)

MeineKraft LitWR Edition v.1.2 [64x64] [1.7.10]

MeineKraft LitWR Edition - Resource Packs

MeineKraft LitWR Edition (also known as Life in the Woods Renaissance) is a realistic high-contrast returpack with a resolution of 64x textures. The textures are photo-realistic and the cartoon style. Currently the author is working on a new version of resurspaka to add support for mods. Recommended shaders: Chocapic13's Shader v5 (Lite) or…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.10   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 15)

SugarCube v.0.5.6 [64x64] [1.11.2]

SugarCube - Resource Packs

SugarCube - minimalistic, cartoon all with the texture resolution 64x64. Earlier this resurspak included textures for several mods, but the author temporarily left them for revision. All goes well with the shaders Sildurs Vibrant Shaders. Also there is support for animated textures of the mobs, for this you will need to install Optifine

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 16)

Eternal Hearts [64x64] [1.11.2]

Eternal Hearts - Resource Packs

Semi-realistic themed texture pack based on the video game series Kingdom Hearts. The textures are executed in animation style with elements of RPG. Unfortunately in addition to the default textures contains textures to mod Baubles, AE2, Biomes O' Plenty, End Metals, Iron Chests, Storage Drawers

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 11)

Default Improved [64x64] [1.11]

Default Improved - Resource Packs

The author, being a big fan of vanilla textures, I decided to create my version of resurspaka, increasing the resolution up to 64x and adding 3D volume. Texture is highly recommended in conjunction with the shaders, otherwise you will hardly notice the difference

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 28)

XmasBDcraft [64x64] [1.11.2]

XmasBDcraft - Resource Packs

For Christmas, PureBDcraft is updated with various new textures and new 3D models. Endermen, creepers, skeletons, Vindicators, Evokers, pumpkins, TNT and flower pots turn into gifts. Doors are decorated, bricks are turned into chocolate and much more! All available for Christmas 2016 (MC1.11) with good Christmas music

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 12)
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