Shaders for Minecraft 1.20 / 1.19 / 1.18 / 1.17 / 1.16 / 1.15 / 1.14 / 1.13 / 1.12 / 1.11 / 1.10 / 1.9 / 1.8 / 1.7

MakeUp - Ultra Fast Shaders v.8.9 [1.20.2]

MakeUp - Ultra Fast Shaders - Shader Packs

MakeUp - the best shaders in terms of quality to performance ratio. Thanks to the flexible system for setting up configuration files, you can focus only on those parameters that will least load your already weak video card!, and you will consume only those resources that you want. For example, shadows and depth of field are resource-intensive…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.20.2  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 156)

Complementary Shaders - Unbound / Reimagined v.5.1.1 [1.20.2]

Complementary Shaders - Unbound / Reimagined - Shader Packs

Complementary Shaders is a shader pack for Minecraft Java Edition with special attention to detail, the highest quality standards and the best level of optimization. It brings tons of high-quality effects to Minecraft, two default visual styles, custom effects for almost every block in the game, a choice of customization profiles from Light to…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.20.2  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 169)

Green World Shaders 1.8-1.13 v.1.0 [1.2.2]

Green World Shaders 1.8-1.13 - Shader Packs

I represent to your attention the shaders of my production! These shaders are designed on low-medium computers. I hope you like it :) PS If you want to improve the picture quality in shaders, you must go to the Shader tab and click the Settings shaders(Shaders option) and in the Profile tab to reassign a value standard on the Ultra. Shaders medium…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.2.2  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 327)

Sildur's Vibrant Shaders v.1.172 [1.13.1]

Sildur's Vibrant Shaders - Shader Packs

Sildur's Shaders is an addon for mod Shaders Mod. This sadirac modifies the game and adds realism to the world at the expense of volumetric lighting, shadows, glare from the sun and repel water. Unlike other sadibekov, Shilders Sildur is designed to work on all graphics cards and computers, including Mac, and at the same time provide excellent…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.13.1  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 294)

BBEPC (Beyond Belief Engine) v.1.2 [1.12.2]

BBEPC (Beyond Belief Engine) - Shader Packs

Daniel Rodriguez Moya has laid the Foundation for the shaders Bbepc (Beyond Belief Engine) in 2015. But recently, development and support Shader continued the man under the nickname Dakotah2468. Over the past year has introduced many changes and revisions in the Shader code. Added: wet effect (reflected from the plates when it's raining),…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.12.2  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 184)

DMS v.1.1 [1.12]

DMS - Shader Packs

DMS - decent shaders from DatWeirdPerson made in the style of Dark Fantasy. The author admits that at the time of the creation of these shaders had no idea in programming GLSL. The first version of the shaders turned out frankly not very good, but time passed and at the moment DWP has released some interesting sadibekov and the most popular ones…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 251)

KUDA-Shaders v.6.5.26 [1.11]

KUDA-Shaders - Shader Packs

KUDA-Shaders is Sadarak Shaders Mod for Minecraft (OptiFine). This sadirac changes the shade to a more realistic, adds new lighting system, a rainbow, the glare on the sun. KUDA-Shaders are still updated and have a good optimization due to flexible configuration parameters in the config. In the latest version of KUDA Shaders, there are many…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.11  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 129)

The Wave v.1.0 [1.8]

The Wave - Shader Packs

We have laid out previously nauseating shaders (GLSL Acid Shaders), but this is not comparable with any. Just imagine that while walking, the ground under you begins to rise like waves of the sea. According to the author some people have these shaders can cause motion sickness, so strongly do not get carried away

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.8  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 133)

Robobo1221’s Shaders v.7.0 [1.11]

Robobo1221’s Shaders - Shader Packs

Robobo1221''s Shaders - bright, colorful and high quality shaders. The author supports the development of these shaders are still in 2014 and in that time have made a lot of changes. Especially quality crafted reflection of the water surface and shade. These shaders are very seriously taxing the system and therefore the author has provided several…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.11  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 87)

Rre36’s Shaders v.7 [1.10.2]

Rre36’s Shaders - Shader Packs

Shaders from rre36 ceased to exist in February 2014, but that does not mean that we pass them by. These shaders are not as good during the day but at night your world come alive and become super by realistinen. In General, shaders are very bright with good color and perfect for weak PC

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.10.2  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 107)

DatWeirdPerson's Mercury Shaders v.11 [1.11]

DatWeirdPerson's Mercury Shaders - Shader Packs

DatWeirdPerson's Mercury Shaders - an unusual, bright Sadarak which is not similar to all the others. Very strong color saturation, glare, and blur. At first it will be quite difficult to navigate in the surrounding world and the eyes get really tired but then you get used. According to the author this sadirac he created primarily for owners of…

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.11  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 54)

SeaMatis's Vibrant Shaders v.2.1 [1.11]

SeaMatis's Vibrant Shaders - Shader Packs

The basis for these shaders were taken from Chocapic13 Sadarak. It's pretty heavy Sadarak and do not expect that the game will run without lags if you have Intel HD Graphics. Yet there are two versions of the Ultra and standard. If you have a top iron, then go ahead and put the Ultra version

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.11  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 97)

Sildur's Vibrant Shaders v.1.161 [1.11]

Sildur's Vibrant Shaders - Shader Packs

Sildur's Vibrant Shaders great Sadarak for fashion GLSL shaders. This sadirac adds a lot of effects in the game, such as shadows, volumetric lighting, water reflection. Unlike other shaderparam Sildur's Vibrant will work on all graphics cards and computers, including MAC, while giving decent FPS.

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.11  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 146)

Robobo1221’s Shaders v.6.1 [1.10.2]

Robobo1221’s Shaders - Shader Packs

In version 6.1 Shader from Robobo1221 there are a lot of innovations. Added new clouds and the refraction of glass, updated light vectors and normal vectors of the vertices, the new gamma correction in volumetric lights, changed sunlight color fog, the light from the torches and saturation.

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.10.2  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 108)
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