Wurst Client Mod (hacked version) is one of the most popular game cheat clients for Minecraft, running on all Linux, Windows or Mac operating systems. This client is implemented as a mod for the Fabric API loader and provides you with three different GUIs: tabbed GUI, window-based click GUI, and navigator. Wurst Client provides you with many gaming features and commands. For example: autofood, automine, kilaura, X-Ray and more than 167+ teams. With such a number of cheats, you have absolute power over all players.
B -> FastPlace; FastBreak C -> Fullbright G -> Flight GRAVE -> SpeedNuker H -> /home J -> Jesus K -> Multiaura LCONTROL -> Navigator N -> Nuker R -> Kilaura RCONTROL -> ClickGUI Menu RSHIFT -> Navigator U -> Free camera X -> X-Ray Z -> Sneak