Matix v.1.6.3 [1.10]

Matix - Clients

Matix Client - cheat client from developer PAXI66 for version Minecraft 1.10.x. In order to get help write to "#Help" in the chat of Minecraft. To open GUI press right Shift. If you want to change any keys, type "#key gui" in the chat.

Category: Clients   MC Version: 1.10  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 67)

SkillClient [1.10]

SkillClient - Clients

SkillClient new hack client from MCgaming4K for Minecraft 1.10+ with some features like NoClip with boats on the newest version of NoCheatPlus ... and more 95+ cheats inside!

Category: Clients   MC Version: 1.10  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 48)
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