Sadarak from knewtonwako created based on Shader Robobo1221. What's new? Rainbow added, changed SSAO tonemap and converted shadows in the dark, better contrast, and gamma included color correction, added options to modify the effect of the lens..
Radioactive Shaders v.2.5 [1.8]
Sadarak from knewtonwako created based on Shader Robobo1221. What's new? Rainbow added, changed SSAO tonemap and converted shadows in the dark, better contrast, and gamma included color correction, added options to modify the effect of the lens..
Life Nexus Shaders v.8.1 [1.8]
Sadarak from knewtonwako created based on shaders and Chocapic13 Werrus's. In version 8.1 added shaders in the Nether and End worlds, the effect of contaminated lenses, altered clouds, and added their reflections in the water, the new tonemap and more
John Smith Technician's Remix [32x32] [1.7.10]