Realistico v.07 [256x256] [1.9]

Realistico - Resource Packs

Realistico - super realistic resource pack from the Creator of BorderCraft. Unfortunately, the author posted in open access, only the texture blocks with the expansion 256x256. Version with full 512x512 set of textures is paid, it can be purchased at the author's website. To see the full beauty of this resurspaka need to install the Mod shaders…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.9   Resolution: 256x256  
0 Rating: 4,4/5 (votes: 213)

30 Ways to Die v.1.6 [1.8]

30 Ways to Die - Maps

30 Ways to Die map for the passage of which you will die in 30 different ways. In each room there is a chest in which lies everything necessary in order to settle scores with life. Also, in the corner there is a button, clicking on which you get the hint for this level

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.8  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 40)
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