Lucky Block Horror [1.8.9]

Lucky Block Horror - Mods

Lucky Block Horror - Horror or horrible lucky blocks. A relatively new type of lucky blocks, which was established in February 2017, but only for the version of Minecraft 1.8.9. Like most Addons to mod lucky blocks this requires a specified LOOT++, otherwise it won't fall out drop

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.8.9  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 152)

Lucky Block Party [1.8.7]

Lucky Block Party - Mods

To date, this is the only lucky blocks that change their color. If you pick up a lucky block, it is randomly in the order changes its color to a random (total 16 colors). Lucky Block Party adds a lot of interesting loot. Before use, it is recommended to register the command /gamerule commandBlockOutput false

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.8.7  
0 Rating: 4,4/5 (votes: 101)
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