Cavern v.1.9.8 [1.12.1]

Cavern - Mods

Cavern is nothing like the rebirth mod Caveworld 2, which adds in the world Minecraft 7 new dimensions. New dimensions are some alternative reality of ordinary worlds and look like a huge dark caves, inhabited by particular mobs. In addition to the new worlds in the game will have extra blocks, tools and armor. To create portals to other worlds…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.12.1  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 32)

Minecraft 1.12.1

Minecraft 1.12.1 - Releases

Work on Minecraft 1.13 is in full swing and according to the developers it will be a very much interesting very soon. As of version 1.12.1 Minecraft, it is a minor upgrade which fixed some bugs, updated the game credits, and were minor changes associated with refactoring

Category: Releases  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 629)
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