Minecraft 1.12.2

Minecraft 1.12.2 - Releases

This update was released on September 18, 2017 which was added a few fixes to security problems. Also fixed minor bug with mobs getting stuck in the grass and the beds. Fixed an unusual bug when throwing pearls to the Edges in the portal of the Lower world of the player teleported to the coordinates of the Lower world, but in the ordinary world.…

Category: Releases  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 1701)

Mo’ Skeletons v.1.0 [1.7.10]

Mo’ Skeletons - Mods

This mod adds 17 new types of skeletons. Each skeleton has its own special skills and drop that will be useful. Some of the skeletons drops a good weapon or armor. There are also skeletons, bosses such as Scalabrin and Lord of Skeletons, which is extremely difficult to kill.

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.7.10  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 62)
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