Maps for Minecraft 1.20 / 1.19 / 1.18 / 1.17 / 1.16 / 1.15 / 1.14 / 1.13 / 1.12 / 1.11 / 1.10 / 1.9 / 1.8 / 1.7

The Shulker Box Showdown v.1.0 [1.12]

The Shulker Box Showdown - Maps

On the map the Shulker Box Showdown you and your friends will have to fight face to face to collect the 4 elements! The author, inspired by those celendine like stacyplays' and Graser10's Mineclash, I decided to create a map on Minecraft version 1.12. However, this is not the usual CTM! Through a system of command blocks, each team will have their…

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 23)

Greenfield v.0.5 [1.12]

Greenfield - Maps

Greenfield - one of the largest cities recreated in Minecraft. A real metropolis with skyscrapers, roads, beach and all that is inherent in any large city. You will spend more than one week to fully explore all around. The only thing lacking in this town is life, motion, traffic, but this can easily be remedied by using third-party mods. The map…

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 74)

Anti Dropper 2 v.1.0 [1.12]

Anti Dropper 2 - Maps

Anti Dropper 2 - the Second part of the popular card Antikorper, where you have to climb up the map of enemies. There are a total of 10 levels of varying difficulty. Between levels you can navigate through a system of teleporters to activate the teleport, press the spacebar. During the passage you can also collect additional coins in the levels

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,4/5 (votes: 36)

One Chunk Survival [1.12]

One Chunk Survival - Maps

One Chunk Survival map is a mix of SkyBlock and Minecraft Captive. Rules and jobs. You only have a chunk size of 16x16x256 blocks, a house and a small farm. Your task is to survive on this island and to develop and gain achievements using all available resources.

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 369)

Makers Party [1.12]

Makers Party - Maps

If you are familiar with the Board game "Monopoly" that you learn in this mini game. The map was created based on the same principle. Players roll the dice and move around the blocks and depending on the color of the block on which stand they get different bonuses or Vice versa lose points. On the map two game currency: stars and coins. For coins…

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 20)

Color Drop [1.12]

Color Drop - Maps

Color Drop is a multiplayer map where you have to combine the color in the table. The essence of the game: before you there is a screen with colored blocks, you can remove any blocks of the same color that are in groups of two or more. Each unit remaining at the end of the round, will cost you 1 life

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 20)

Duel TNT [1.12]

Duel TNT - Maps

Duel TNT card is a kind of TNT splif in which you have to fight with his opponent in a confined space and try to reset it into the abyss. All in the game 5 separate classes, each with their own unique abilities and weapons. The game is balanced and allows to combine numerous different tactics.

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 17)

QMAGNET's Test Map [1.12]

QMAGNET's Test Map - Maps

QMAGNET's Test Map for Resource Packs and Map Makers - map which contains absolutely everything in the game up to version 1.12 Minecraft. This map is used by makers of maps and.. If you thoroughly approach the selection retrospace, QMAGNET's Test Map you will be very helpful. You can see the texture any mobs, blocks, tools. On this map there are…

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 21)

Youtubers Life v.1.1 [1.12]

Youtubers Life - Maps

Map Youtubers Life McMakistein created based on the eponymous game. The goal of this game to earn more followers and become popular. You will need to pass a small mini games and random events, but do not think that everything comes easy for you. For each subscriber will have to fight. According to the author of this map consists of more than 2500…

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,4/5 (votes: 301)

Levitate [1.12]

Levitate - Maps

The map is created 0SirAwesome based on the effect of levitation, which arises from the effects of stalkerov. The purpose of the cards: as soon as possible to get to the top. Players get bows to shoot at other players, so those, in turn, reached the top. The more friends you get, the more fun will be the passage of cards

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.12  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 15)

Skyblock: Nine Islands [1.11.2]

Skyblock: Nine Islands - Maps

Skyblock - a map where you start on a small island floating in an endless world of emptiness. There are no blocks under you, no resources, except a small island on which you stand. Before you start you should know how to make a cobblestone generator in order to survive and expand your island.

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 155)

Infinity Dungeon [1.9.2]

Infinity Dungeon - Maps

Infinity Dungeon - map with a variety of gangemi in which you will be able to find lots of treasure and loot. The main purpose of the map is the search for crystals in order to complete a generator of the infinite. Map built at the command blocks and its distinctive feature is that it is randomly generated, i.e. at each activation Ganja you will…

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.9.2  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 14)

Monstrosity [1.8.1]

Monstrosity - Maps

Monstrosity will send you into a prolonged journey around the world, whose main objective is to complete the monument (CTM so called mode). This map is not for beginners, on the way you will meet a lot of strong mobs that will try in every way to hinder you. Therefore, the map recommended to go with friends

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.8.1  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 21)

Biome Land: Extreme Mountains v.1.10 [1.8.7]

Biome Land: Extreme Mountains - Maps

Land Biome: Extreme Mountains map with amazing mountainous landscapes, where you will meet almost all of the biomes. You are waiting for exciting adventures. Explore, survive, grow, and complete challenges. Cards with similar mountainous terrain is ideal for games with shaders (sadaraka). This author also has two new maps Hawa and Sky Biome

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.8.7  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 19)

Empty World [1.8.1]

Empty World - Maps

Empty World is an empty world with one block. This card can be used as a template to create their own maps, such as survival in the style of skyblock or construction of a separate lobby, mechanisms etc. The card can be used absolutely with any version of Minecraft

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.8.1  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 134)
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