Mouse Tweaks - very easy to use Tweaker for the mouse, which makes it easier to move and sort items in the inventory. Mod has a flexible configuration, all settings can be changed in the file .minecraft/config/MouseTweaks.cfg
Joshua's Christmas Mod v.1.1.0 [1.11]
This mod adds many Christmas-themed decorations in Minecraft. Various decorations on a Christmas tree Christmas tree, lights, gifts and stockings, sugar cookies, candy canes, eggnog, pies and more. The mod also works in multiplayer, so feel free to bring your friends, and together celebrate the New Year
The Spirit Of Christmas v.3.1 [1.8]
Christmas Festivities v. [1.7.10]
Extreme Reactors v. [1.10.2]
Extreme Reactors - a port of the mod Big Reactors version 1.7.10. Ie, essentially the mod is a complete copy of the mod from Erogenous Beef. Mod allows you to create multiblock machines for energy generation by type of Redstone Flux, or Tesla. To generate energy through peaceful nuclear energy, or to remove power from steam turbines - the choice…
The Walking Dead - as you may have guessed from the title this mod on the walking dead. Mod adds walking from all the famous series and they differ from normal zombies in that they do not burn in the afternoon, killing Pets, and of them, more varied loot drops. On the basis of this mod created a lot of popular assemblies in the zombie Apocalypse
Better Than Bunnies v.1.1.0 [1.11]
Forge is the most important mod that you need to add to the game. Currently, 99% of mods work only with Forge. As an exception there is an alternative loader mods that LiteLoader, but it is not as popular today. If you use TLauncher, no need to download and install every time you Forge, you select an existing Assembly with the forge version list…
Roulette Ores v.1.2.22 [1.9.4]
Roulette Ores is a clone of the two Troll Ores mod and Lucky block. Thanks to random system events you never know what awaits you after the destruction of the block of the ore. In most cases, the ore get replaced by other random blocks, but sometimes they may appear angry zombie or creeper with TNT and blow you. The mod has a convenient…
This mod adds the opportunity to craft new types of armor from vanilla resources. With this mod the number of sets of armor will increase by 11. But it's not limited to armor, in fact the mod adds weapons, blocks, and lots of new items New types of armor:Coal armor emerald armor Dragon armor Guardian armor Lapis armor Lava armor obsidian armour…