SLauncher v.1.77

SLauncher - Launchers

SLauncher is a new alternative launcher from Spark1337 & Turikhay support premium-login. The launcher works with both licensed and pirate. Simple and intuitive interface. Embedded versions of Forge and OptiFine. Extra modifications directly from the menu launcher

Category: Launchers  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 305)

SLauncher v.3.2.1

SLauncher - Launchers

SLauncher is a new, free Minecraft launcher, suitable for all versions. The launcher works with both licensed accounts and pirated users. In the launcher, you can select and install a ready-made version of Forge and OptiFine.

Category: Launchers  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 56)
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