
Citadel v.1.11.1 [1.18.2]

Citadel - Mods

Citadel is a library required for additional animations and entity properties from Minecraft 1.14 and up. The Citadel mod, being an API library, doesn't add many features on its own, but rather powers other mods when it comes to animating entities, loading .tbl Tabula and .obj Waveront models, and tracking entity properties. Citadel's…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.18.2  
0 Rating: 2,9/5 (votes: 296)

Alex's Mobs v.1.17.1 [1.18.1]

Alex's Mobs - Mods

Alex's Mobs - Adds over 70+ new mobs to Minecraft. All of these mobs fall into two categories: real world creatures like grizzly bears, killer whales, elephants, etc. and fictional ones like Endergade and Bone Serpent, but they don't seem out of place in Minecraft. All of these creatures have their own role in the game and have unique drops and…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.18.1  
0 Rating: 3,4/5 (votes: 82)
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