Textures with resolution 16x16

PokeBox v.R7 [16x16] [1.7.10]

PokeBox - Resource Packs

PokeBox is a resource pack for Minecraft and Pixelmon. This resource pack was originally made for the Super Fun Time community, but then he became available to everyone! He also has a graphical interface for mods mini-map Zan's Minimap (Voxelmap), Mr.Crayfish's Furniture Mod,Jammy Furniture, the Hats and many others (click the supported mods)

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.10   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 28)

PokeCraft [16x16] [1.9]

PokeCraft - Resource Packs

Pokecraft Version Neo Minecraft 1.7.x. A resource pack for the game with the mod Pixelman for Minecraft. Supports version 4.2.0 Pixelman. When you upgrade to 1.8.x, go to assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container, and change the "enchanting_table" to another name, and rename the enchanting table gui in the "enchanting_table"

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.9   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 16)

JoliCraft [16x16] [1.8]

JoliCraft - Resource Packs

According to the developer resurspaka "Minecraft without Colecraft it's like pizza without cheese" and it is possible to completely agree, it is enough to play with these textures. The author believes that the resolution 16x16 is perfect for vanilla Minecraft. Unfortunately after trying this once, you will not be able to refuse him then, believe me

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.8   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 3/5 (votes: 15)

ZekoCraft [16x16] [1.8]

ZekoCraft - Resource Packs

Zekocraft is quite an interesting resource pack with standard resolution of 16 × 16 as in vanilla Minecraft. This package was created by zekeyspaceylizard. New GUI for crafting. The bench and oven look really amazing. The author says it's all his dream, which he created for himself, and then decided to share with everyone .

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.8   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 11)

Xray Ultimate [16x16] [1.8]

Xray Ultimate - Resource Packs

This texture pack is nothing like the interpretation cheat mod Xray Mod which allows you to see the whole world through. After installing the textures, you will be able to see resources and easy to produce. At the same time, the land and the stone becomes transparent.

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.8   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 169)
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