Download PokeBox v.R7 [16x16] [1.7.10]

Category: Resource Packs  
Minecraft PokeBox

PokeBox is a resource pack for Minecraft and Pixelmon. This resource pack was originally made for the Super Fun Time community, but then he became available to everyone! He also has a graphical interface for mods mini-map Zan's Minimap (Voxelmap), Mr.Crayfish's Furniture Mod,Jammy Furniture, the Hats and many others (click the supported mods)

Download [41,09 Mb] downloaded: 1034 times
Download the latest version of PokeBox from official website
Checked by VirusTotal Trusted & Virus free
Category: Resource Packs   MC: 1.7.10   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 28)


Warning 16 January 2018 04:31
This is NOT virus free, however, it doesn't really matter because the virus that they give doesn't seem to even slow you down half an FPS when running pixelmon. However, it is still recommended by me not to download this link, but do as you please. Just note that you ARE in fact downloading a virus.
dwasdwasdwasd 2 August 2018 14:18

What do you think about that?

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