Download Pixelmon v.5.1.2 [1.10.2]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Pixelmon

Just a few days ago the authors are all well-known fashion on pokemon Pixelmon reported to cease development of the project. It was by reason of the rights holder The Pokémon Company.

"unfortunately we have to inform about the termination of development mod Pixelmon. It was an amazing time on the development of the modification and the creation of a huge community of fans, but after complaints from The Pokémon Company we close our doors," reads the statement of the creators of Pixelmon.

Project Pixelmon was created in 2013. Thanks to the hard work of the authors they were able to accurately recreate the world of pokemon in Minecraft. The project quickly gained popularity among players. Many have called Pixelmon "one of the best mods for Minecraft in the history of the game."

At the moment all the links on the official website removed. Lay out for you the latest version. You can also download the Pixelmon Launcher

Download pixelmon-1.10.2-5.1.2-universal.jar [396,48 Mb] downloaded: 2714590 times
Download the latest version of Pixelmon from official website
Checked by VirusTotal Trusted & Virus free
Category: Mods   MC: 1.10.2  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 257)

Other versions of Pixelmon

Pixelmon v.3.5.1 MC: 1.7.10

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Lavasyris 30 July 2017 03:38
Thanks, even tho it takes about 20 minutes to download a 400 Mb file, I am still glad I got it. You should check your upload speed tho x)
Xerandar 12 October 2017 19:36
pretty cool mod wish they were still developing R.I.P Pixelmon.
EpiXMLG 11 November 2017 13:58
wow tysm now I can play with my friends :D ty for helping

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ignacioXDlo 24 December 2017 02:07
me gusto tu mod no es fake te amo pixelmon muchas grasias por el mod te mereces unos bave diamond boobs diamond boobs diamond diamond diamond
JasonKonvict 5 February 2018 17:27
Oh No man_sad . Will there be a Pixelmon minecraft 1.7.10 update?
Guest Drows
Guest Drows 6 February 2018 15:09
Who got pixelmon 5.1.1?
Pixelmoner 8 February 2018 13:38
spider2 flintnsteel fire can you tell me server ip plz
Pixeldude 18 February 2018 09:30
Takes a little bit to download but it's worth it and it's real :O it's sad that pixelmon is shutting down though snif2 snif2 snif1 snif1 snif2
TBNRLiam 11 May 2018 02:42
Quote: JasonKonvict

no sadly there will not be because the creaters of pokemon told them to stop developsing
AlbertojrGamer 14 May 2018 18:31
enderman This works :)

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