Download Monsterley [32x32] [1.13.1]

This resource pack is compatible with the latest versions of Minecraft including 1.13.x and a concept based on the standard texture pack. It contains all the blocks available in the standard unfortunately. Features of this resource package are more detailed textures, blocks and more diverse style of nature.
Features resurspaka Monsterley:
-a few random alternative texture for plants and other units
-a variety of texturing of the leaves of trees
-3D model (rail system, furnace, stairs, doors and much more)
-optional alternative random peaceful mobs (MCPatcher or OptiFine required to use this feature)
-custom sky (OptiFine or MCPatcher needed to use this feature)
-Glowstone is presented as a glowing stone in the Void, but like a lamp in the Overworld (MCPatcher or OptiFine required to use this feature)
-double boards have additional texture.
-a clear structured graphical interface with good readability
-custom painting
-support for Shader screens when parallax - more depth and structure textures. (Final appearance depends on the selected Shader)
-when activated the "Random Mobs" in OptiFine, you can seldom see the blue cow. This is not a bug but an Easter egg in this resource bundle. (MCPatcher or OptiFine required to use this feature)