Resource Packs for Minecraft 1.7

MeineKraft LitWR Edition v.1.2 [64x64] [1.7.10]

MeineKraft LitWR Edition - Resource Packs

MeineKraft LitWR Edition (also known as Life in the Woods Renaissance) is a realistic high-contrast returpack with a resolution of 64x textures. The textures are photo-realistic and the cartoon style. Currently the author is working on a new version of resurspaka to add support for mods. Recommended shaders: Chocapic13's Shader v5 (Lite) or…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.10   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 15)

Ozone Resources [128x128] [1.7.10]

Ozone Resources - Resource Packs

Project Ozone - a once popular server-side Assembly, the main feature of which is the generation of the world in the style of skyblock. This resurspak sozdavalsya directly for this project. At the moment there are several modifications of this resurspaka and all of them you can download via the links below

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.10   Resolution: 128x128  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 28)

Homelands [4x4] [1.7.2]

Homelands - Resource Packs

We all know that the standard textures have a resolution of 16x. Most of the custom textures are created in this resolution or higher. But did you ever with the texture resolution of 4x? They look very unusual. This resurspak for version 1.7.2, so many teksturki will be absent

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.2   Resolution: 4x4  
0 Rating: 4,6/5 (votes: 11)

PokeBox v.R7 [16x16] [1.7.10]

PokeBox - Resource Packs

PokeBox is a resource pack for Minecraft and Pixelmon. This resource pack was originally made for the Super Fun Time community, but then he became available to everyone! He also has a graphical interface for mods mini-map Zan's Minimap (Voxelmap), Mr.Crayfish's Furniture Mod,Jammy Furniture, the Hats and many others (click the supported mods)

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.10   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 28)

Faithful v.1.4.0 [64x64] [1.7.10]

Faithful - Resource Packs

It peredelka popular texture Faithful 32x. The basis was taken texture pack Faithful 32x32 from Vattic. This resource pack is very quality made and currently supports version up to 1.7.10. But on versions 1.8+ most likely will work too. Check and unsubscribe in the comments

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.10   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 142)
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