Как установить моды на Minecraft?
Category: FAQ

The most pressing question for beginners is how to install mods in Minecraft? At the moment the process of installing mods for new versions much easier and to the credit of Forge and Liteloader.
In this article we will describe three ways to install mods:
-the Old way (adding mods to the archive minecraft.jar) for 1.5.2 and below
-Installation of mods using the Forge
-Installation of mods using Liteloader
METHOD #1 - replace the files in minecraft.jar (deprecated)
For the version of Minecraft > 1.6
- Download the archive you are interested in the mod.
- Navigate to the game folder. To do this, press WIN+R and type %AppData%\.minecraft
- Open the archive versions\x.x.x\x.x.x.jar. (where xxx is the version of Minecraft)
- Move the files from the archive with the mod in x.x.x.jar.
- Remove from x.x.x.jar the META-INF folder and agree to the update archive.
For the version of Minecraft < 1.6
- Download the archive you are interested in the mod.
- Navigate to the game folder. To do this, click WIN+R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft\bin
- Open the WinRAR file minecraft.jar.
- Move the files from the archive with the mod in the archive minecraft.jar.
- Remove from archive minecraft.jar the folder META-INF and agree with the updated files.
METHOD #2 - installation using Forge
- Download and install Minecraft Forge for your version of Minecraft.
- Navigate to the folder "mods". To do this, click WIN+R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft\mods If this folder is missing, create it
- Move to folder jar file in your mod
- Play with the Forge profile
METHOD #3 - installation using Liteloader
- Download and install Liteloader.
- Navigate to the folder "mods". To do this, click WIN+R and enter %AppData%\.minecraft\mods If this folder is missing, create it
- Move to this folder the mod file with the extension .litemod
- Enjoy
P. S. you can Still install the mods using Forge ModLoader (FML) but this method is outdated and may conflict with Minecraft Forge, I do not advise to use it
P. P. S. There is also an alternate way of installing mods with ModLoader Meddle. More video from Heron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT9CwSvYMME
Category: FAQ