Unity v.1.3.1 [16x16] [1.9.4]

Unity - Resource Packs

Unity follows all traditions of aesthetics in vanilla Minecraft, and by a detailed study of the textures improves the base texture by adding highlights. This method is known as hybrid-texturing. At first glance the textures in 16X resolution, but the details are subtle and smoother.

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.9.4   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 12)

Firewolf v.1.38 [128x128] [1.10.2]

Firewolf - Resource Packs

Firewolf - the forgotten texture pack this is the original title of this package. Looking at the screenshots, you can see what it is all original, the texture of which was not stolen, but created from scratch by a person under the gaming nickname Keitsu. What it's like all Firewolf? In my opinion it adds realism to the game and adds a bit of RPG…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.10.2   Resolution: 128x128  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 13)

Dramatic Skys v.1.6 [16x16] [1.9.2]

Dramatic Skys - Resource Packs

C all Dramatic Skys everyone feels in the soul of a romantic. Realistic HD clouds and high-quality lighting will add to your game sky entertainment and beauty especially during the sunset and sunrise. This resurspak not demanding on the system and will work even on the weakest computers.

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.9.2   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 22)

AD Reforged v.2 [32x32] [1.10.2]

AD Reforged - Resource Packs

A resource pack AD Reforged was formerly known as the Arestian Dawn. A resource pack has undergone many changes of textures. Resource pack very well conveys the classical, medieval style RPG games. It turned out a kind of mixture of Nordic, Celtic and neo-Roman styles. Special attention should be paid to weapons and armor, a high-quality study you…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.10.2   Resolution: 32x32  
0 Rating: 2,7/5 (votes: 13)

R3D Craft v.0.3.0 [128x128] [1.10]

R3D Craft - Resource Packs

R3D.CRAFT pronounced Red Craft or R-3-D Craft, is a texture pack of high resolution for Minecraft. Based on the standard textures of vanilla Minecraft. R3D.CRAFT enhances the missing realism through the use of high-quality textures, smooth transitions, realistic shapes, shadows, lighting, missing details + so much more.

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.10   Resolution: 128x128  
0 Rating: 2,9/5 (votes: 15)

Equanimity [32x32] [1.10.2]

Equanimity - Resource Packs

Equanimity is a very high quality resource pack with texture resolution 32x32. At the moment, this all can be called the most popular, as the number of downloads from an official source had topped 2 million If you enjoy building in creative mode, that this resource pack you will have very opportunely

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.10.2   Resolution: 32x32  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 11)

Gendustry v. [1.10.2]

Gendustry - Mods

Gendustry is an addon for Forestry mod that adds new ways of genetic modification of bees bees, butterflies and trees. Added the ability to change the microclimate in the apiaries. You will also be able to experiment with the mutagen, bringing a new kind of bees. If you like to mod Forestry, this addition to the game will be more interesting

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.10.2  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 19)

AWH Haggis Mod v.1.5.0 [1.10]

AWH Haggis Mod - Mods

AWH Haggis mod adds a new delicious delicacies from the lamb that can be baked in the oven in a meatloaf. If you like to eat, then this mod you will enjoy. Don't eat raw meat, and poison!

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.10  
0 Rating: 2,6/5 (votes: 19)

Just JetPacks v.1.0 [1.9]

Just JetPacks - Mods

Mod adds seven different types of dzhetpakov, with which you will be able to soar above the earth. Each džetpaka has its own characteristics: volume of the tank, rate of ascent, speed, energy consumption. After emptying the tank, the jetpack explodes, be careful

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.9  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 12)

PokeBox v.R7 [16x16] [1.7.10]

PokeBox - Resource Packs

PokeBox is a resource pack for Minecraft and Pixelmon. This resource pack was originally made for the Super Fun Time community, but then he became available to everyone! He also has a graphical interface for mods mini-map Zan's Minimap (Voxelmap), Mr.Crayfish's Furniture Mod,Jammy Furniture, the Hats and many others (click the supported mods)

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.7.10   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 28)

PokeCraft [16x16] [1.9]

PokeCraft - Resource Packs

Pokecraft Version Neo Minecraft 1.7.x. A resource pack for the game with the mod Pixelman for Minecraft. Supports version 4.2.0 Pixelman. When you upgrade to 1.8.x, go to assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container, and change the "enchanting_table" to another name, and rename the enchanting table gui in the "enchanting_table"

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.9   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 16)

Pokemon Johto & Kanto [1.7.9]

Pokemon Johto & Kanto - Maps

This awesome map fully immerse you in the world of Pokemon. It is very tochnym a remake of Johto. Take your kit starter and start your epic journey to become the best pokemon trainer ever (in Johto)! This map will include the HeartGold and SoulSilver versions of Johto and Kanto.

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.7.9  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 22)

The Great Escape v.1.0.2 [1.10]

The Great Escape - Maps

You Wake up one day and realize that you're in an ancient temple. You don't know where you are, and don't know what happened before that day. You start to think of an escape plan, but not so simple as it seems. You see a book on the ground and begin to read. The book contains the information needed to escape from an ancient temple.

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.10  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 15)
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