ChickenChunks adds only two objects spot the chunk loader and the loader that allow you to load a greater number of chunks in the game. To work this mod you will need a class library CodeChickenCore
ChickenChunks v. [1.9]
CodeChickenCore v. [1.9]
This mod adds Waypoint with which you can quickly move around the map. This is a kind of teleports. With the help of a special unit you have to create a platform size 2x1x2 or 3x1x3 and call your veypoint. Right click on waypoint will allow it to rename, or associate with another point. This mod is very popular among players of the mobile version…
Universal Electricity v. [1.7.10]
Carpenter's Blocks v.3.3.8 [1.7.10]
Thermal Foundation v.1.2.4 [1.7.10]
Thermal Expansion v.4.1.2 [1.7.10]
Extra Utilities v.1.2.12 [1.7.10]
This mod will appeal to all fans of industrial music and magic. Adds a number of useful devices. Various generators for energy. Added a new crafting system QED, the lake for water-saving irrigation, changed the mechanics of filling the barrels with water, an interesting system of avtokraft and more.
hoo00's Shaders pack B v.3.2.1 [1.9.2]
Volumetric clouds, low level of sound in fog, luminous beacons, lights, and modified the shade of lights, an improved model of fire and more in this sadaraka
It's not just Sadarak, this is a real psychedelic drug abuse. Drawing and distortion of the world is carried out by means of several trigonometric functions. This will result in a volumetric panoramic view of the whole world. Feeling like you're inside a giant infinite bubble.
Robobo1221’s Shaders v.6.0 [1.9.2]
This is a very popular and realistic Sadarak. Based on it created the compute Shader as Shader Dvv16's, Only Waving Plants Shader Trilitons Jessies Unbelievable Shaders and Shader. Just look at the screenshots and see for yourself as
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