Download Waka Islands 2 v.0.3 [1.9]
Category: Maps

Waka Islands 2 is the sequel to the popular maps Waka Islands 1.1, which had already downloaded more than 500,000 times. In the second part, added a new 12 Islands and returned to the main Isle from the first part. Each island has its own quest, which you need to complete before moving on to a new island
Quests for 12 Islands
- Make an iron sword
- diamond Way
- 16 Grow cocoa beans
- Get 16 snowballs
- Receive 8 Pufferfish
- Get the sponge
- Place the 32 units
- Receive 64 stone
- Get the 64 red and gray mushrooms
- Get 16 Golden apples
- Silk touch a Podzol
- Find Wakan artifact