Download Caterpillar v.1.2.189 [1.8.9]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Caterpillar

Caterpillar adds a real rig that is boring a tunnel in the wall of a 3x3 block. Drilling rig compound and can be equipped with several devices each of which performs its function: the drill itself, the basic control unit in which we use the fuel and put the nozzle for the drill, item kolletor to gather resources, the protection unit, which sets the blocks of cobble on the edges of the tunnel to protect the machine. For more details, see video review

Download caterpillar-1.2.189b77.jar [240,61 Kb] downloaded: 603 times
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.8.9  
0 Rating: 4,6/5 (votes: 24)

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