Download Placeable Items v.3.3 [1.12.2]

Mod PlaceableItems will allow You to put certain items, just as you put the blocks, ie you can put the sword on the shelf for beauty.
the List of supported items:
• Gold and iron ingots (Position them and enjoy their brilliance!) (RMB to put in and shift+RMB to take)
• Snowballs (do Not step and crush!)
• Books (they Scatter as you scatter my books everywhere!)
• Plates with dye (Craft: Plate + dye)
• Saddle (Using a stand for the saddle)
• Horse armor (Use the armor stand for horse
• the gems of the region and the eye of Ender
• Different foods (Part of watermelon, apples, raw fish, grilled fish, raw chicken)
• Buckets (Empty or lava)
• All the CDs
Mod a little friendly with the interior mods,so there may be problems. Fullness is good,but you can add some objects.