Download Faithful Mods [32x32] [1.11.2]

Category: Resource Packs  
Minecraft Faithful Mods

Faithful is one of the most popular resursab. A Faithful loved for its simple design that has much in common with the original vanilla textures but looks better quality due to higher resolution. This resurspak added support for the following mods: RedstoneArsenal, BiomesoPlenty, Chisel, Embers, EnderIO, ExtraUtils2, JEI, Faithful Mods, TechReborn, Forestry, SimpleGrinder, MysticalAgriculture, TConstruct, BetterBeginnings etc.

Download [4,05 Mb] downloaded: 1668 times
Download the latest version of Faithful Mods from official website
Checked by VirusTotal Trusted & Virus free
Category: Resource Packs   MC: 1.11.2   Resolution: 32x32  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 11)

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bianflee 27 January 2018 10:27
this is so colll

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