OceanCraft v.1.5.3 [1.8.9]

OceanCraft - Mods

Mod OceanCraft converts both the underwater and terrestrial world. With the help of it you will find yourself in a completely new world, with beach residents, crabs and the amazing of underwater fauna.

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.8.9  
0 Rating: 2,7/5 (votes: 14)

Exotic Birds v.1.0.3B [1.7.10]

Exotic Birds - Mods

You are tired of the old animals from the Minecraft world? Want to add a whole zoo of exotic birds? Then this mod is for you. Exotic Birds mod adds a variety of feathered creatures in your world, friends from all forty, the beautiful peacocks, parrots and hummingbirds.

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.7.10  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 16)

Flan's Mod Apocalypse v.5.1 [1.8]

Flan's Mod Apocalypse - Mods

Flan's Mod this is a big mod for Minecraft which adds planes, cars, tanks, guns, grenades and more in a customizable content pack. Enjoy the game peacefully flying across the sky Minecraft and ride around the world or download additional content-packs, and fight with knives, shoot, blow up mobs, blocks and even other players.

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.8  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 178)
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