Resource Packs for Minecraft 1.11

McKnack Pack [16x16] [1.11.2]

McKnack Pack - Resource Packs

McKnack Pack - All with bright texture with a slight slope in cartoon style. Almost every texture was made with offset shades of bright light, but most likely the color, resulting in the output we get a deeper and more dynamic color transitions. This, combined with brighter illumination from different light sources in the game, creates an…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 9)

Warriors PVP Pack v.3 [16x16] [1.11.2]

Warriors PVP Pack - Resource Packs

As the name implies, this all was created for fans of PVP modes. Many players allocate an important role to the choice resurspaka, because even the slightest detail, which will distract your attention, can Rob you of victory. For example, all have a simplified interface elements, low fire, clear water, and lots of custom textures

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 92)

Faithful Mods [32x32] [1.11.2]

Faithful Mods - Resource Packs

Faithful is one of the most popular resursab. A Faithful loved for its simple design that has much in common with the original vanilla textures but looks better quality due to higher resolution. This resurspak added support for the following mods: RedstoneArsenal, BiomesoPlenty, Chisel, Embers, EnderIO, ExtraUtils2, JEI, Faithful Mods, TechReborn,…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 32x32  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 11)

SugarCube v.0.5.6 [64x64] [1.11.2]

SugarCube - Resource Packs

SugarCube - minimalistic, cartoon all with the texture resolution 64x64. Earlier this resurspak included textures for several mods, but the author temporarily left them for revision. All goes well with the shaders Sildurs Vibrant Shaders. Also there is support for animated textures of the mobs, for this you will need to install Optifine

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 16)

Smooth Operator v.0.7.1 [256x256] [1.11]

Smooth Operator - Resource Packs

Smooth Operator - the all definitely deserves your attention. It is created as close in style to the vanilla textures, but with much better rendering and detail with a resolution of 256x256. All the credit of the author, who by the way is a good artist and in his spare time drawing good arts in Minecraft

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11   Resolution: 256x256  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 19)

Eternal Hearts [64x64] [1.11.2]

Eternal Hearts - Resource Packs

Semi-realistic themed texture pack based on the video game series Kingdom Hearts. The textures are executed in animation style with elements of RPG. Unfortunately in addition to the default textures contains textures to mod Baubles, AE2, Biomes O' Plenty, End Metals, Iron Chests, Storage Drawers

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 11)

Radiant Pixels v.2.0.1 [16x16] [1.11.2]

Radiant Pixels - Resource Packs

Radiant Pixels - very colorful and bright resurspak made in the spring-autumn style. According to the author, he drew inspiration from such resurfaces as Ignaf's Quadral, Frenden's Meringued Cartoon Pack and Faithful 32x32, with a closer look, you'll discover quite a lot of similarities. At the moment, almost all teksturki converted up to version…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 12)

Chroma Faithful [32x32] [1.11.2]

Chroma Faithful - Resource Packs

Most recently, the author of the texture pack Chroma Faitfull is known under the name ChaVnere put your creation in the open access version for Minecraft 1.11. Experience resurspaka ambiguous. On the one hand the texture is not so different from the original, but they create a special atmosphere in the game thanks to the rainbow hues of some of…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 32x32  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 20)

Xray Ultimate v.2.1.2 [16x16] [1.11]

Xray Ultimate - Resource Packs

Xray Ultimate - cheat resurspak in which blocks of earth and stone transparent in addition to useful ores and lava. If you are looking for the easy way in the game, this all you. In fact this all will work on any version of Minecraft on any assemblies. You can also edit it to your liking by replacing certain textures on transparent

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11   Resolution: 16x16  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 31)

DokuCraft [32x32] [1.11]

DokuCraft - Resource Packs

DokuCraft - dark textures in a medieval style. There are three versions of this isspace (light, dark and high), respectively, in dark, light and bright performances. The texture is perfect for cards with medieval buildings, castles and villages. Want to be in a dark and harsh world of the middle ages without leaving Minecraft? Not a problem! Just…

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11   Resolution: 32x32  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 16)

Default Improved [64x64] [1.11]

Default Improved - Resource Packs

The author, being a big fan of vanilla textures, I decided to create my version of resurspaka, increasing the resolution up to 64x and adding 3D volume. Texture is highly recommended in conjunction with the shaders, otherwise you will hardly notice the difference

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 28)

XmasBDcraft [64x64] [1.11.2]

XmasBDcraft - Resource Packs

For Christmas, PureBDcraft is updated with various new textures and new 3D models. Endermen, creepers, skeletons, Vindicators, Evokers, pumpkins, TNT and flower pots turn into gifts. Doors are decorated, bricks are turned into chocolate and much more! All available for Christmas 2016 (MC1.11) with good Christmas music

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.11.2   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 12)
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