WorldEdit v.6.1.6 [1.11.2]

WorldEdit - Mods

WorldEdit - the real editor of the world, which can be run directly in the game. The mod can be used both in single player and on servers. WorldEdit has more than 100 teams, which will substantially increase your creative skill in the construction and editing of maps. You can change up to 1000 blocks in a given region. For a complete list COMAND,…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 22)

10 Minute Parkour v.2.0 [1.11.2]

10 Minute Parkour - Maps

10 Minute Parkour - you can have joint challenges on this map to pass the parkour. You have 10 minutes and during this time you must go through maximum number of levels. There are a total of 100 levels and they drop randomly in order. More details about the map you can see in the video from Aida

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 43)

TorchMaster [1.11.2]

TorchMaster - Mods

Mod adds special torches to prevent mobs spawn in a given radius. The idea was taken from Extra Utilites. Mod adds three elemenata Terrain Lighter Mega Torch Lamp and Dread. TorchMaster compatible with such mods like EnderIO, Extra Utilities 2 and Grimoir of Gaia

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 10)

BitBetter v.3.9.8 [64x64] [1.12]

BitBetter - Resource Packs

BitBetter - all with a resolution of 64x64 textures for the latest versions of Minecraft, which is literally translated as "a little better". But actually the textures look not a little, but much better than default. With higher resolution mobs began to look more realistic, and with the shaders, the world will sparkle with new colors

Category: Resource Packs   MC Version: 1.12   Resolution: 64x64  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 16)

Lucky Block The Doctor Who v.1.5 [1.8.9]

Lucky Block The Doctor Who - Mods

Doctor Who Addon (DWA) - lucky blocks "Doctor Who". The addon was created by the famous foreign series. Drop from the lucky blocks and various way associated with the series. If luck is on your side, you can get the most deadly of intergalactic weapons, but if you're not lucky, then wait for the hordes of undead and an army of clones of Doctor Who

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.8.9  
0 Rating: 4,3/5 (votes: 72)

The Simpsons Map [1.8.9]

The Simpsons Map - Maps

This map was conceived back in 2011. According to the author he created the map together with your friends on the server based on motives of well-known animated television series the Simpsons. In total, there were built more than 100 buildings and work on the Springfield is to this day

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.8.9  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 67)

City of Waterton v.0.1.6 [1.10.2]

City of Waterton - Maps

City of Waterton - map with an extremely large city. There is absolutely everything that is typical of a modern major metropolis. A variety of interesting buildings, skyscrapers and homes, bridges, roads, railway, airport, gardens and lot many other things.

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.10.2  
0 Rating: 4,8/5 (votes: 11)

The Wave v.1.0 [1.8]

The Wave - Shader Packs

We have laid out previously nauseating shaders (GLSL Acid Shaders), but this is not comparable with any. Just imagine that while walking, the ground under you begins to rise like waves of the sea. According to the author some people have these shaders can cause motion sickness, so strongly do not get carried away

Category: Shader Packs   MC Version: 1.8  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 133)

Pixel Drop v.3.0 [1.9.2]

Pixel Drop - Maps

Pixel Drop is a fun mini-game for one or more players in which you get into the arena and watch as you fall from the sky blocks that make up the picture. Before the picture is fully built you will have to guess the name of the object to fit it on a leaf and put it in the chest. The faster you guess the more points you get.

Category: Maps   MC Version: 1.9.2  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 24)

BetterFPS v.1.4.3 [1.11.2]

BetterFPS - Mods

This modification allows to some extent to increase your gaming FPS by optimizing the sin() and cos() algorithms, and 7 parameters. All the improvements can be on/ in the config file (config/betterfps.json) or in the game settings (Options -> BetterFps Options)

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 4,5/5 (votes: 13)

KleeSlabs v.4.3.5 [1.11.2]

KleeSlabs - Mods

Thanks KleeSlabs you will be able to break blocks on polublok. That's actually all that adds this mod. This applies to most building blocks. No longer do you have to go once again to the bench and to spend time crafting polublokov

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 4,6/5 (votes: 9)

Project Ozone v.1.8.0 [1.7.10]

Project Ozone - Modpacks

Due to numerous requests we have added a new category to the site - modpaki (Assembly mod). The first review occurred Ozone Project (Project Ozone) is one of the most popular projects based on the mode Skyblock and thanks to fashion in the quest book, the passage becomes very exciting. Survive, gather resources, evolve, complete quests and get…

Category: Modpacks  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 23)

CompatLayer v.0.2.5 [1.11.2]

CompatLayer - Mods

This small API library allows you to obtain backward compatibility of the mods for different versions of Minecraft, namely 1.10.2 and 1.11.2. With proper use of the API you can provide the mods work on both versions. For this you will need to bring all resource names and IDs for mods to lower case and to replace the tileEntity.worldObj on…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 3,4/5 (votes: 24)

OpenComputers v. [1.11.2]

OpenComputers - Mods

This mod brings to the game, computers and robotics, is analogous to mod ComputerCraft. The mod is open source and requires basic knowledge in programming in Lua 5.2/5.3. Thanks to the modular system you can combine the blocks. Computers feed on the energy from BuildCraft, IndustrialCraft or Thermal Expansion. OpenComputers makes it easy to build…

Category: Mods   MC Version: 1.11.2  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 22)
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