Download VoidLauncher v.1.7.10
Category: Launchers

The Void Wrath Launcher launcher with a custom collection of mods for Minecraft from the Creator under the name of Rich1051414. The launcher contains mod packs from TheAtlanticCraft and are for people playing not the project servers Voids Wrath
In the launcher interface 4 tabs. On the first tab you can read the news and inofrmation about the latest bugs and updates
In the second tab is a list of available to install MoDaCo. Not much, but every modpak includes several mods that can be viewed in third tab Mods. Learn more about the interface show in the video review.
on the links Below you will be able to download the latest license Voids Wrath Launcher or pirate for 32 and 64 bit systems
Category: Launchers