The Void Wrath Launcher launcher with a custom collection of mods for Minecraft from the Creator under the name of Rich1051414. The launcher contains mod packs from TheAtlanticCraft and are for people playing not the project servers Voids Wrath
The Void Wrath Launcher launcher with a custom collection of mods for Minecraft from the Creator under the name of Rich1051414. The launcher contains mod packs from TheAtlanticCraft and are for people playing not the project servers Voids Wrath
Technic Launcher 4.0 - this launcher is designed for easy operation and install all sorts of mods. This launcher number of mods more than all other launchers combined. After starting the launcher, go to the modpacks tab and in the search line to drive we are interested in the mod, such as lucky block and install.
Feed The Beast (FTB) Launcher was first launched in November 2012. The first release of the launcher was presented at the stream, which was watched by more than 9000 people. Since then, the launcher has undergone many changes, gave way to the developers.
Famous European launcher of the Play.TeamExtremeMc.com server. The server is running on Minecraft version 1.10.2 at the moment there is not more than 500 players. If you are interested to play it, then be sure to download jar or. exe and go.
ATlauncher is an alternative launcher for Minecraft which allows you to set modpaki and ready to build mods. To work launcher need the 64-bit version of Java. In the launcher settings to put the Russian language, but it is not working properly, we suggest staying in English.
AnjoCaido Launcher - the good old pirate launcher for early versions of the game <1.5.2 where we all once started to explore the world of Minecraft.