Download Diversity 1 v.1.3.4 [1.7.4]

Category: Maps  
Minecraft Diversity 1

Diversity is a unique mode in the style of the CTM genre. Like everywhere you have to complete the Monument by collecting the wool. However, in Diversity to get the wool you need to complete the particular map in the genre of

1. Do not break blocks, do not place anything not craft, unless specified in the job.
2. Do not change the mode and difficulty level.
3. Do not use commands like tp, give, spawnpoint, etc. (especially when playing in a team)
When you situate, we all lose :(
4. In solo, start with Easy mode. Avoid viewing the options screen, if possible.

Recommend the following settings:
Resource pack:
- Brightness: top
Cloud: off
Distance: 16 chunks

the Two most common problems with the map:
1. "When I step on the plate I get no wool"
- You must play in Minecraft 1.7.4 - on the other will be a problem
2. "I put the folder in saves, but it doesn't appear in the game"
- don't throw the whole folder in the saves, move only the folder titled Diversity (v1.3.4)

Download [15,06 Mb] downloaded: 2609 times
Download the latest version of Diversity 1 from official website
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Category: Maps   MC: 1.7.4  
0 Rating: 3,9/5 (votes: 73)

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