Download Diversity 3 v.1.6.6 [1.14.4]

Category: Maps  
Minecraft Diversity 3

Nearly 5 years after the release of Diversity 2, the long-awaited final part of the popular Minecraft adventure series has been released. The world has changed dramatically, the perfect balance of gameplay in which you will balance between life and death. Be sure to take your friends with you. It will not be easier with them, but it will be more interesting. Together you must find your way and once again complete the Wool Monument! And there will be many surprises along the way. This epic project took a team of 9 over 20+ months of hard work. varied adventure.

- MS Version 1.14.4
- Draw at least 6 chunks
- 64-bit Java
- Programmer Art Resource Pack (Default Classic Textures before the retextures by Jappa for 1.14)
- Brightness: Bright
- Particles: ALL
- Clouds: OFF
- Music: OFF
- GUI scale: 2
- 1-3 players
- 4GB of RAM or higher

Slap for the creators of this map: abrightmoore, AdamDJM, ColdFusion, Jigarbov, Noodlor, qmagnet, qwertyuiopthepie, The1Kwa1Jsucsh, renderXR

Download [118,4 Mb] downloaded: 639 times
Checked by VirusTotal Trusted & Virus free
Category: Maps   MC: 1.14.4   Developer: qmagnet
0 Rating: 3,3/5 (votes: 33)

Other versions of Diversity 3

Diversity 2 v.0.3.2 MC: 1.8.8
Diversity 1 v.1.3.4 MC: 1.7.4


notAnon 30 October 2023 05:25
I remember playing Diversity 2 for the first time and having so much fun.
Bad thing i can't play it right now because i'm on Mobile.
Gotta go play it tomorrow
Guest notAnon
Guest notAnon 1 November 2023 02:25
Quote: notAnon
I remember playing Diversity 2 for the first time and having so much fun.
Bad thing i can't play it right now because i'm on Mobile.
Gotta go play it tomorrow

Downloading it! sworddiamond

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