Download BspkrsCore v.7.01 [1.8]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft BspkrsCore

BspkrsCore is a mod accessory-the core that contains the classes for all the mods DaftPVF developer. In this fashion automatic updating enabled if you want to disable, then correct the line allowUpdateCheck=false in mod_bspkrsCore file.bsprops.cfg

Download 1.8bspkrscore-universal-7.01.jar [61,65 Kb] downloaded: 3009 times
Checked by VirusTotal Trusted & Virus free
Category: Mods   MC: 1.8  
0 Rating: 3,7/5 (votes: 15)

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Angel David
Angel David 19 October 2019 22:55
Vaya que buen servicio
Manuel 13 August 2020 21:18
Una maravilla :V

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