Download Gadgets and Goodies v.1.2.1 [1.12]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Gadgets and Goodies

If you like to play with friends and you are crazy enough, then this mod will be as always by the way. Mod Gadgets and Goodies adds a lot of interesting devices and gadgets, each of which has its own unique properties. This is a different gun-dispensary, jetpack, flamethrowers, water guns, freezing lasers, and more. Of course you should test all the device in the case. Craft weapons you can find under the spoiler below

Download gadgets_n_goodies_mod_v1.2.1_mc_v1.12.jar [622,82 Kb] downloaded: 476 times
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 21)

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