Download SimplyJetpacks v.1.5.3 [1.7.10]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft SimplyJetpacks

Mod SimplyJetpacks adds jetpacks into the game, the so-called jetpack that you can use for flight. SimplyJetpacks usually put as an addon to the mod Thermal Expansion, BuildCraft or Ender IO. Jetpack uses RF energy. Of course, after adding elitra the game, jetpack lost some of its former popularity among the players

This mod requires CoFH Core library 3.0.2 or CoFHLib

Download simplyjetpacks-mc1.7.10-1.5.3.jar [593,8 Kb] downloaded: 268 times
Download the latest version of SimplyJetpacks from official website
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.7.10  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 11)

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