Download Extra Creatures v.1.1 [1.12.1]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Extra Creatures

Extra Creatures is a small mod that introduces the game 4 mob. The first creature not quite like Moba, because it consists entirely of fiery particles and appears in the lower world. As soon as it touches you, you light up. The Bombardier Beetle can be found in the jungle looking for their prey. He eats ocelots and parrots, being completely passive to everything else. Beaver-Duck - a strange hybrid of a beaver and a duck, he wanders through the swamp, looking for prey. It is quite a good swimmer. If attacked, the beaver Duck will defend itself by using its venom. Learn more about the rest of the mobs you can see from the video.

Download extracreatures-1.12-1.1.jar [54,99 Kb] downloaded: 43 times
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.12.1   Developer: EnderiumSmith
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 31)

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