Download Jaden's Nether Expansions v.1.1.0 [16x16] [1.16.5]

Category: Resource Packs  
Minecraft Jaden's Nether Expansions

This resource pack is designed to enhance the Minecraft Nether experience using various Optifine features such as: connected textures, custom item textures, custom mob textures, additional data pack and more. And the best part is that it does all this WITHOUT replacing anything in vanilla Minecraft!
This pack requires Optifine to work properly, so if you think some features don't work, make sure it's installed first. If you see datapack custom biome textures not loading be sure to press F3+T, this is an optifine bug and can be fixed by reloading the pack this way.

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Category: Resource Packs   MC: 1.16.5   Resolution: 16x16   Developer: JadenXgamerWasTaken
0 Rating: 3/5 (votes: 156)

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