Download Minecraft Titan Launcher v.3.8.7

Category: Launchers  
Minecraft Minecraft Titan Launcher

Minecraft Titan Launcher is a pirate launcher that circulated among European players. Launcher works great with the latest versions of the game and does not require a license. Shell absolutely identical with Team Extreme Launcher that we posted earlier on the site, even the Assembly version is the same

Download titan-launcher.exe [1,6 Mb] downloaded: 2201401 times
Download minecraft-titan-launcher-3.7.0.exe [1,6 Mb] downloaded: 793015 times
Download te_launcher_381.exe [4,5 Mb] downloaded: 240928 times
Download titan-launcher-3.8.4.exe [4,43 Mb] downloaded: 11391 times
Download titan-launcher-3.8.7.exe [4,43 Mb] downloaded: 8331 times
Checked by VirusTotal Trusted & Virus free
Category: Launchers  
0 Rating: 4,4/5 (votes: 6747)

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nicko_Rmo 26 November 2017 16:17
and for 1.13 snapshot?
gregoryK07 26 November 2017 22:54
how to download titan minecraft laucher
JM Enique Gubantes
JM Enique Gubantes 2 December 2017 12:49
I can't open the 1.13 snapshot in this launcher. It needs an update.

This launcher needs an update because I can't open the 1.13 snapshots. But this is a good launcher tho. :)
excalibur fire
Fracz 4 December 2017 06:45
It's not "identical with Team Extreme Launcher" it is Team Extreme Launcher updated
Guest asd
Guest asd 6 December 2017 09:19
Hi HOw to get the link ?
someone 7 December 2017 13:55
Quote: Empressz
How do i set skin on minecraft titan launcher?

you'll need to buy the full game
ProUmbron 8 December 2017 18:02
Dobry na Cheaty Polak tu byl nah nah sworddiamond
Monterraso 11 December 2017 12:00
Hi, I'm geting the text "An update to your launcher is available and is required to play 17w49b. Please restart your launcher." when I try to run snapshot 17w49b witn Titan Minecraft Luncher 3.7.0. but i'm not being abble to update it, How I must to do it luncher?

Thanks :D
xXKizzerXx 16 December 2017 04:22
EeOneGuy lets play skywars bow arrow excalibur nosed

go in minecraft skin names man_wink man_wink
Guest ismail
Guest ismail 16 December 2017 12:46
woah worked!!! very thanks!!!

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