Download Kingdom of the Sky 2 v.005 [1.5.2]

Category: Maps  
Minecraft Kingdom of the Sky 2

You were sent to a distant country, to release the heavenly Prince, who was possessed by an evil power. After a long and difficult trials, you finally freed him, while knowing that you cheated. And now the whole Kingdom is threatened. You should correct your mistakes and again to save the world from evil.

the archive includes the texture pack, be sure to install it, and then cannot pass the map

game Rules:
1. Do not break the blocks
2. Do not place blocks
3. No fire or TNT.
4. You are allowed to make armor, weapons, food, torches
5. Play on normal or hard mode
6. You can tame wolves! That's why they are there!
7. You can zacharovas

Download [16,37 Mb] downloaded: 365 times
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Category: Maps   MC: 1.5.2  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 24)

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