Download Frosty the Snowman [1.12.2]

Category: Maps  
Minecraft Frosty the Snowman

Frosty the Snowman card with the Snowman, which was created _themineman23_ for one of the contests of the project Sunfury. Agree, the snowman came out extremely intimidating. For download available a file with the extension .schematic, which you can open with a program MCEdit or fashion Schematica and easy to import into your world

Download snowman.rar [15,72 Mb] downloaded: 322 times
Download snowman-schematic.rar [31,87 Kb] downloaded: 90 times
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Category: Maps   MC: 1.12.2   Developer: _themineman23_
0 Rating: 3,5/5 (votes: 83)

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