Download MCEdit v.2.0

Category: Soft  
Minecraft MCEdit

MCEdit is a standalone application under Windows to edit the maps Minecraft. Initially, the program Mcedit was intended to convert maps of older versions under a new, but then the functionality has gradually expanded and now it is possible not only to copy maps, but also create from scratch your own.

MCEdit allows you to generate maps using built-in algorithms of Minecraft. You can add as separate blocks, and the whole region of blocks. To change the contents chestov, add mobs, clone construction, and more.

Download mcedit2-win64-2.0.0alpha-1007.exe [35,32 Mb] downloaded: 13423 times
Download mcedit2-win32-2.0.0alpha-1007.exe [28,17 Mb] downloaded: 3702 times
Download the latest version of MCEdit from official website
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Category: Soft  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 101)

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