Download FPS Stress Tester v.22.1 [1.20]

Category: Maps  
Minecraft FPS Stress Tester

Use this world to test the power of your hardware, measure FPS and lag spikes. The author created this world map in a flat world and it contains villages, inhabitants, animals, lava, water, redstone automated railroad. When you first launch the map, you don't need to do anything as the character will already be moving on the rails.


1) Set all sliders to maximum in video settings .
2) Change FOV to Quake Pro
3) Use Alt+F3 to view system data including latency information. Turn on the display of the FPS counter, using programs such as FRAPS or MSI Afterburner.
4) Measure the average value in the vanilla version of Minecraft, as well as in the version with modpacks. Then run the same test with the Sodium and OptiFine mods.

Note. There's a lot going on on the screen, so this test will have a very strong impact on weaker machines. If you're on a weak PC, consider turning off weather (/weather clear) and try testing on medium settings with a normal field of view.

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Category: Maps   MC: 1.20   Developer: GamerPotion
0 Rating: 3,3/5 (votes: 104)

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