Download Parachute Mod v.1.4.1 [1.9]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Parachute Mod

Parachute mod — mod that adds in Minecraft the parachute, with which you can plan during free fall and land without taking damage.

the Parachute is folded in a stack of 16 pieces. Also, it wears out — each use will reduce the margin of safety (approximately 64 use each). Before the jump, select the parachute in the inventory. To activate/deactivate during a flight, press the RMB. Flight control keys walk on the terrain, key ⇧ Shift accelerates the descent.

Note: If planting a player goes down in fast mode (using Shift), he still will not take damage from falling.

Download parachutemod-ng-1.9-1.4.1-396.jar [180,36 Kb] downloaded: 113 times
Download parachutemod-ng-1.8.9-1.2.2-341.jar [175,9 Kb] downloaded: 28 times
Download the latest version of Parachute Mod from official website
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.9  
0 Rating: 3,2/5 (votes: 11)


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