Download Better Foliage v.2.0.12 [1.9.4]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Better Foliage

Mod changes the appearance of leaves on the trees and grass, making them more fluffy and realistic. Along with the mod for shaders, the surrounding vegetation will look very beautiful. Additional sheets will be generated for each block of leaves.

This mod is only for client version, although it does not fail the server if you add it accidentally.

There is a graphical interface for configuration, which opens by pressing F8. Here you can set the display options of grass and leaves.

works great with GLSL Shader Mod. Maud does not require additional texture, as the foliage is generated on the fly from existing textures. This mod is perfectly compatible with Vanilla, BOP, Natura, Forestry, and Thaumcraft.

Download betterfoliage-mc1.9.4-2.0.12b.jar [1,55 Mb] downloaded: 454 times
Download the latest version of Better Foliage from official website
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.9.4  
0 Rating: 4,1/5 (votes: 23)


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