Download BiomeTweaker v.3.1 [1.12.1]

BiomeTweaker allows you to change some settings for the generated biomes. Also as for MineTweaker, it is done by writing scripts that will interpret BiomeTweaker. Information about how to write these scripts and to interact with BiomeTweaker can be found in wiki. The range of possibilities offered by this mod is great. Ranging from simple temperature setting to create new and fully customizable biomes.
Since BiomeTweaker only modifies the generation time, it can be installed only on the server side. However, if you want to apply the override colors, it must be installed on the client side. Some features are disabled by default and require the inclusion of BiomeTweakerCore .
the Author does not guarantee that the mod will work with modified biomes (though no problems should arise in the way most people cases!)
Here is a short list of several things that makes BiomeTweaker:
- change the basic properties of biomes (name, temperature, units, etc.)
- Creation of new biomes from scratch or as a copy of an existing biome
- Delete existing biomes
- Fine-tuning or a complete removal of the existing sets and functions (grass, flowers, cane, dungeon, etc.)
- Add new and totally custom items to the biomes and worlds
- removing and adding the mobs in biomes
- Replace almost any block placed during generation.
- Check the wiki for a complete list of available functions. The possibilities are endless!