Download The Lord of the Rings v.30.5 [1.7.10]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft The Lord of the Rings

Mod Lord of the rings is a huge addition to Minecraft that adds the world of middle-earth into the game. This mod was created on the basics of the plot of the movies Lord of the rings, the Hobbit and the Silmarillion.

the Mod is in development since December 2012. Since that time, fashion has undergone a number of changes. New updates are published frequently, usually every few months.

Key features:

  • the New dimension of middle-earth
  • Over 100 new biomes, sub-biomes and biome variants, each with their own unique structures and resources
  • Biomes are generated in accordance with the map of Tolkien's middle earth.
  • the Mysterious, unexplored lands of RAS and Harada
  • Ancient Pits Utumno, terrifying dimension of the dungeons full of evil creatures Morgoth
  • Hundreds of new blocks, ores, tools, foods and items
  • People and races from the universe of Lord of the rings
  • balance System, where your actions can improve or harm your reputation with many independent groups
  • New gameplay elements dependent on the player's balance: trading, unit hiring, and an expanded achievement system
  • randomly generated mini-quests and the Red book of
  • Full integration with multiplayer
  • Boss battles
  • Other worlds ... Valinor?

Download 1.7.10-the-lord-of-the-rings-mod-b30.5.jar [17,02 Mb] downloaded: 4437 times
Download the latest version of The Lord of the Rings from official website
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.7.10  
0 Rating: 4,4/5 (votes: 46)

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