Download Pandora's Box v.2.1.5 [1.10.2]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Pandora's Box

Mod adds to the game just simply one thing - a Pandora's box. But this box is truly unique, because it can generate really amazing things, and sometimes crazy. This box is analogous to the lucky block.

Pandora's Box can be crafted yourself, and to find him in the dungeon. When you open the box generates a random structure, structure, mini-biome, Cuba, forests, aquariums. Sometimes spawn mobs with insane variations and in different amounts (e.g. the witches of dynamite instead of a head). It is very difficult to enumerate all the things that can create this mod, but a small part of it you can see in the video review from frieze

Download pandorasbox-2.1.5.jar [305,78 Kb] downloaded: 253 times
Download the latest version of Pandora's Box from official website
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.10.2  
0 Rating: 3,1/5 (votes: 13)


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